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Use and structure of special cables

1. Low-inductance cable has strong and weak power. Here is a low-inductance cable for high-power. The cable is equipped with a heat dissipating device, which is used for connecting various types of contact welding machines, electric arc welding machines and pneumatic welding tongs. The structure is simple and reasonable, the cooling water circulation is large, and no blockage is formed. Blocking and current limiting, good heat dissipation and long service life. The new low-sensitivity cable also includes connectors that are fixed on the cable and cable ends, and the cable is also composed of a positive core and a negative core in the outer hose. Since such low-inductance cables are generally used for voltages of 25-50V and currents between 7000-12000A, the short-circuit conduction phenomenon of cooling water in the cable is basically negligible, so there is no such low-impact cable. The rubber hose that isolates the positive and negative cores is specially provided with a core frame with a cross section in the shape of a spoke (commonly known as "Plum core"), surrounded by "round center" and adjacent "spokes". The space formed in the direction of the axis forms a longitudinal groove, and the longitudinal groove on the core frame is the same as the total number of the positive cores disposed on the cable, and the cable portion is placed on the positive and negative cores respectively. The longitudinal groove means of the core frame are formed in the outer hose. The heads of the positive and negative cores are respectively assembled into a bundle and clamped in the core clamp, and then fixed on the joint, and the end of the outer hose of the cable is set at the end of the joint, and used The set is tightly sealed outside the outer hose.
2. Under the action of external factors such as bending, vibration, shock and temperature change, the cable with less pulse signal generated by the cable itself is called low noise cable, also called shockproof instrument cable. It is used for the measurement of small signals in many fields such as industry, medicine, and defense. There are various types of cables, such as polyethylene insulated low noise cable, insulated low noise cable, radiation resistant low noise cable, low capacitance low noise cable, hydrophone cable, watertight low noise cable. The causes of noise in the cable are: internal molecular friction of the medium itself; change in cable capacitance; piezoelectric effect of the cable medium; friction between the conductor and the medium in the cable generates charge, that is, the separation of charge when the contact between the conductor and the insulation is broken. A thin layer of semi-conducting low-noise cable is rapidly developed on the surface of polyethylene insulation, and its noise value is 2-3mV. For low-noise cables working at 400 degrees, high-temperature semi-conductive fiber wrapping can be used. The solution is to solve the noise up to 5mV.